Miracle of Molecules

Nivetha Krishnan
2 min readJul 1, 2021


photo by Johnny McClun from Unsplash

Have you ever heard this riddle?

You can swallow me and I can swallow you. Who am I?

Water πŸ’§

Every day we go through many emotions, some of which can be healed and some just can’t be handled and have to let go. In the end, we seek help from others to relieve our pain both physically and mentally. But our body which is made up of cells needs water and nothing else.

We often ignore the value of water and its magic. It is said that people can live without food for weeks, but without water for just a few days.

See, how water heals…..

Just Woke up? β€” Drink Water.

Starting your Exercise? β€” Drink H20.

Done with Exercise? β€” Drink Plenty of Water.

Going to have a meal ?β€” Drink H20.

Done with Meal ?β€” Drink Aqua.

Need to Pee? β€” Drink more H20.

Having Headache/Bodyache?β€” Drink Plenty of Water.

Tensed? Stressed? Depressed? Bored? Feeling Guilty? β€” Drink lots and lots of Aqua.

Starting a new work? β€” Drink Water.

Need to take prime decisions? β€” Drink Aqua.

Happy? Exited? Feeling Blessed? β€” Drink more H20.

Struggling with Sleep? β€” Drink Water.

No matter how hard or blessed your situation is, drinking tons of water works like magic! Remember not everything is under our control, So just Drink Water and Let Go.

Next time, when you drink water say, You are my Saviour! πŸ™

